Baby Science

We pioneer the science in understanding babies — and our discoveries are often surprising.

One of the first incredible discoveries a new mother makes is just how delicate her newborn's eyes, skin and hair are—and never more so than in the first days, months and years of life.

To help parents and healthcare providers give the best care, the JOHNSON’S® brand is committed to finding out all there is to know about babies. In fact, we conduct fundamental research to further the understanding of the unique and special needs of baby's eyes, skin, and hair. And our hundreds of scientists worldwide use this knowledge to help us create products that are gentle and mild.

We pioneer the science in understanding babies—and our discoveries are often surprising. Read on to find out some of the remarkable things we've learned about your little one.

Mums around the world look to JOHNSON’S® to care for their babies

We are committed to working with mums, healthcare experts and scientists to ensure our products continue achieving the highest JOHNSON’S® baby standards.